Top 5 Reasons to Fail the New York Road Test

Top 5 reasons to fail the New York road test

What are the top 5 reasons to fail the New York road test? What mistakes count as an automatic fail.
One of the most important ones is observations. The better observations you have the better chance you have to pass the road test.
Driving is good but if you have poor observations then you have a better chance to fail the test. Here is the top 5 reasons to fail the new york road test-
  1. Missing any sign or signal
  2. Fail to anticipate actions of pedestrians
  3. Unable to park properly
  4. Fail to maintain speed according to the situations
  5. Poor steering control
Top 5 reasons to fail the New York road test

Stop sign and stop all way sign :

You should have a clear idea about signs and signals. especially the stop sign and stop all way sign.

Speed limit signs, school zone signs, speed bump signs etc. are important.

Click here to learn more about signs and signals .

Intersections and right- of -way rules

Most of the accidents happen at the intersection when the driver makes a turn. Understanding the right of way rules and how to make correct turns will help you to prevent this from happening. Click here to learn more .

NY dmv road test is about 10-15 minutes : Overview of the road test here

  • At the beginning when you pull out the car from the parking, Dmv officer will ask you to make 2-3 right and left turns.
  • if you properly checked before pulling out, good steering control, turning was okay-not short or wide turn.
  • Then the officer will ask you to do parallel park. Parking is okay-adequately checked before reverse then will do the 3 point turn.
  • lastly 2-3 right or left turn and come back to the same spot where you started.
  • Pull over the car smoothly and put it park ,turn off the engine and wait until the officer gets out of the car.

Turning and pedestrians :

While turning right or left, you have to be watchful of pedestrians. if you did not see the pedestrians or did not wait for the walking people that could fail you automatically.
wait for the pedestrians,let them cross all the way then complete your turn.

Top 5 reasons to fail the new york road test : left turn or right turn

Left or turn should be smooth . Turn slowly but after turning gradually speed up. If your turn is wide or short you can lose 5 points.

Fails to stop near the center of intersection when waiting to make a left turn-  10 point loss.


If I am unable to park properly, can I still pass the road test?

Parallel parking point is 15. You did the park well but there is a little bit of a gap, it is acceptable. More a 6-12 inch gap from the curb, you can lose 5 points. If it is too wide then you can fail the road test.
Dmv officer might give you the chance to fix the gap. But it depends on the officers.

Do I need the 5 hour course certificate?

Every driver who wants to get a test appointment with New York state dmv,they must have the 5 hour course completion certificate. Click here to learn more.
If you are interested to enroll in any driving lesson package click here .
Best Road Test Site in Bronx

Best Road Test Site in Bronx

Best road test site name and address in Bronx

Best road test site name and address in Bronx. Havemeyer avenue auto, Riverdale road test site, Strang avenue road test site. Remember there is no dmv office building. Dmv sends their officers to the designated test site area. Most of the test site is located next to the NYC park or playground or cemetery.

If you go to the test site with any driving school driver, you do not need to be worried. Most of the driving school instructors know the road test site address and directions. But if you want to go to the test site with your family or friend’s car, make sure they knows how to use GPS or Google.

Best thing is if possible go to the test location at least one or two days before. So you can be familiar with the test location and direction to the site exactly. In that case you will not be late on the road test day and miss the road test.

If you going to the road test with your friends or family car then makesure :


  • The driver is at least 21 year of age and has a valid license.
  • Car is 4 door and good condition. Headlight, bumper light and doors work properly.
  • Car registration, insurance paper, plate number and  car inspection must be present and not expired.

Car for road test- Rent a car and a driver

road test site in Bronx

Havemeyer road test site in Bronx

car for road test

Car waiting in line for road test

What documents do you need on the road test day :


  • NY state learner permit card with photo. makesure not expired.
  • Unexpired 5 hour pre-licensing course completion certificate.
  • Eye glass or contact lens if you have R-B on your permit card. Check your permit and be sure. If you think dmv put restriction on your permit by mistake, then go any dmv and tell them you do not use or no need glass anymore. Please remove the restriction (R-B) from my permit and send a new permit to my home address.
  • MV -262 Form signed by parents or guardian must have, if you are under age of 18 only.

What time do I need to be to the road test site ?

You should try to reach the test site at least 30 minutes before your test appointment. If you are not familiar with road test site, you should plan to go to the test site may be 1 hour before your appointment. Once you are to the test site you may see lot of other student driver car waiting in line for their test. You have to go behind the line and wait. Dmv officer will come one by one to you.

If you are late on the road test day, dmv officer may cancel your test. Then you have to make a new appointment with dmv and have to go for test again.

Havemeyer Avenue Auto & Motorcycle

Location — West side of Havemeyer Avenue – between Randall and Cincinnatus Avenues, facing Cincinnatus Avenue The Bronx, NY  10473

Directions — Take Bruckner Expressway North. Exit Castle Hill Avenue and turn right at Castle Hill Avenue. Turn left at Randall Avenue , then left to Havemeyer Avenue at Cincinnatus Avenue.

Riverdale Auto

Location — North Side of West 234 Street – Between Bailey Avenue and Broadway The Bronx, NY  10463

Directions — Riverdale: Take Major Deegan – NYS Thruway North (87) and exit at West 230th Street. Turn left onto Bailey Avenue and follow to West 234th Street. Turn left onto West 234th Street and join line.

Strang Avenue Auto


Location — South Side of Strang Avenue – Between East 233rd Street and Baychester Avenue facing Edson Avenue The Bronx, NY  10466

Directions — Strang Avenue: Take Bruckner Expressway North to New England Expressway exit at Baychester Avenue and follow Baychester to Strang Avenue. Turn left at Strang Avenue and join the line.

Highway Driving Lessons

Highway Driving Lessons


Highway driving lessons for refresher driver. TLC driver to gain confidence on the highway. Changing lanes, enter or exit from the highway. Stay in the right lane. City driving tour for NYC Tlc driver.


For highway driving lessons you must have a valid driving license. You must have a good amount of driving experience. To take highway driving lesson with us then book at least 45 minutes local lessons first. If you have good steering control, smooth braking, better observation then we will give you highway lessons. Otherwise you have to practice locally more.

highway driving lessons

I am a New York city TLC or Uber driver. Do you have any package for me ?

Already have a TLC license and am planning to drive Yellow taxi, Uber or Lyft. But I do not know where to start. We can help you with that. Our driver can give you tips on how to avoid traffic or how to make more money.

To drive in the Manhattan, you have to know all the avenues and streets. You should have clear ideas about avenues and street directions. Like if you have a passenger going uptown and you are on the east side, then you should take 1st Ave or 3rd Avenue.

Also you have to know how to cross the central park from east side to west side or west side to east side. How to get on FDR drive or west side highway. If you get an airport passenger, then should know which tunnel or bridge you have to take. Let’s say you picked up the passenger from 5th ave and 27th street. From there to Laguardia or JFK airport, you should take the midtown tunnel.

In addition you should know how to get on the highways. changing lanes and maintaining  the speed limit. Take the exit or go from one highway to another highway. How to use the GPS or Google maps.


What is the difference between driving in the city and highway driving ?

City driving :

  1. You have to focus on your speed. most of the city area 25 mile per hour. school or hospital area 15-20 mile per hour. while making right or left turn spped should be 5-7 mile per hour.
  2. Frequently braking. Every stop sign, red light need to use full brake.
  3. More acceleration
  4. In city you will see lot of car double parking, you have to be careful about pedestrian. Delivery truck, school bus and yellow taxi or uber driver, bicyclists .

Highway driving :

  1. Highway is higher speed. usually you have to maintain speed between 50 to 65 mile per hour.
  2. Less acceleration
  3. Less braking
  4. No red light, stop sign or pedestrian .

Highway Lesson Inquiry

2 + 1 =

What are the major highways in NYC? Why should I use the highway?

People usually take the highway to go faster than local roads. But remember highways also have heavy traffic.Especially the rush hour 3pm-6pm and 7am- 9am you have to expect traffic on the highway.
There are so many highways in New York city. Some of them are-
  • Grand Central Parkway
  • Long island Expressway
  • Queens-Brooklyn Expressway
  • Jackie Robinson Parkway
  • Belt Parkway
  • Nassau Expressway
  • Harlem River Drive
  • Henry Hudson Parkway
  • Hutchinson River Parkway
  • Cross Bronx Expressway
  • Cross Island Parkway

Should I Rent a Car for My Road Test ?

Should I Rent a Car for My Road Test ?

Should I Rent a Car for my Road Test NY

It is better if you can rent a car for your road test from any driving school. Because every driving school car has dual brake,dual mirror. Since the driving school car has a dual brake, so it is easy for dmv officer to control the car if they needed.That is why the dmv inspector prefer driving school car to take the road test.

But if you are interested to go with your family car you can do so. In that case make sure :

  • The car is in good conditions, 4 door and air conditions or signal light works properly .
  • car insurance, inspection paper is present and updated.
  • Registration and license plate present and not expired .
  • You must have a valid license holder driver who is at least 21 year of age or older.
  • Do not go to the road test drive by yourslef or without any car and a driver.
  • NY state DMV will not provide any car for your road test.

How to take a road test without a car. Does the NY state DMV provide any car for the driving test. What will happen if i am late on the road test day. My road test will start on time or I have to wait in line?

You must have a car with a driver to take the driving test NY. DMV will not provide any car or will not cooperate you about this.You must be on the test site at least 30 minutes before your test appointment. If you are late on the test day, dmv inspector might not take your  test and will asked you to reschedule it. So it is very important to be on time on the road test day.

There is always a line in the road test site so you  might have to wait longer than expected time. How long you have to wait it depends how many DMV officers are present there and how long the line is!

What do i need on the road test day ?

You must have:

  1. 5 hour course completion certificate  or MV -285 driver education course completion certificate (no picture or photocopy,email)
  2. Unexpired NY state learner permit card
  3. If you are under 18, then bring the form MV-262 signed by your parent or guardian.
  4. Eye glass or contact lens only if you have restrictions on your permit like R-B

note: If you did the online 5 hour course and they notified dmv, then you do not need the actual certificate paper on the road test day.


Can I rent a car and a driver from Deshi Driving School  ?

Yes Deshi Driving School rent a car and driver for driving test in NY. But it depends on our availability. Price for car rental also depends on the test site distance. To check the car rental availability click here  .

Tips to pass the road test in New York

On the road test day confidence is very important. If you get nervous then you make more mistakes. be well prepared and take the test confidently. Click here to learn more .

6 Hour Defensive Driving Course

6 Hour Defensive Driving Course


Attend the 6 hour defensive driving course today. And get a 10%  discount for your car insurance. 4 point deduct from DMV license.

Are  you looking 6 hour defensive driving course NY? want to reduce your 10% insurance premimum, 4 point deduction from your dmv license or to renew and apply to TLC license. then click here please. do it online and after completion the course you will receive the certificate by mail.

After finish the class to renew or apply for TLC license you can upload your certificate here. To check your NY state driving license or driving privilege status click here .

What is a driver responsibility assesment. Or how to pay the driver responsibility assesment fee?. For details click here .

Is this course approved by the New York DMV?

Yes, the Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program (IPIRP) course that we offer is fully approved by the New York DMV as an equivalent to the 6-hour classroom PIRP course.

How long is the course?

The New York DMV requires that each IPIRP course be at least 6 hours long. Timers are in place to ensure that each student spends the required minimum amount of time in the course.

New York law requires that the course be completed within 30 days from registration. If you do not complete the course within 30 days, you have the option to re-register for the course at no additional charge, but you will be required to start the course over from the beginning. You may re-register to obtain a new login code, and contact us so we can transfer the payment to the new account

What topics are covered in the course?

The IPIRP course teaches important defensive driving strategies, how driver attitude and behavior affect traffic safety, and New York State traffic laws.

Is there a final exam?

No. There is no final exam. At the end of each unit you will be required to pass a five (5) question multiple choice quiz. You will be given three attempts to achieve the passing score (must get at least 4 of the 5 questions correct).

Do I have to take the course in one sitting?

No. The course is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week from anywhere with Internet access. You can log in and out of the course at your leisure and the course automatically saves the furthest unit and page that you have reached. When you want to leave the course, you can simply log out and then come back to the website and click “Login” to re-enter the course where you can start where you last left off.

How do I log in and out of the course?

During the registration process you received a login code (ex. John123456nys). This code is used to log back into the course. At any point in the course you can choose to log out by clicking on the “Logout” link on the page or just closing your browser. When you want to return to the course, just come back to our website and choose “Login” and you will be prompted to enter your login code. You will then be taken the course main menu, where you can click on the furthest page you reached during your last session. Because of the page timers, we recommend that you always log out from a page that you have not read yet.

How can I have my login code resent?

When you register for the course, your unique login code is given to you on the screen, and also e-mailed to you. If you happen to lose or forget this information, you can retrieve it via the original e-mail message or click “Login” on our website. You will see a box containing the statement “I forgot my login.” Enter the e-mail address you entered during registration and then click the “Remind Me” button. A new e-mail containing your login information will be sent to you. You may also send an e-mail to for assistance or call technical support at 1-800-558-9887.

How can I edit my account information?

This can be done by clicking on the “My Account” tab while logged into the course. In this section you can review and edit any of the information you provided during registration, except for the phone number set up for validation purposes. That cannot be edited once the course has started

Certificate of Completion

Will I receive proof that I completed the course?

Yes. After you complete the course, a certificate of completion will be processed and delivered to you via the shipping method you choose. You will need to turn this certificate in to your insurance company to obtain your 10% discount. Your completion will also be reported electronically to the DMV.

How long will it take to get my certificate?

If you do not choose an express delivery option then your certificate will be sent via U.S. Mail. Certificates sent via U.S. Mail should be received within 5-7 business days from the date of completion. You will have the option to upgrade your certificate shipping method during registration and post completion.

How can I upgrade the delivery method for my certificate?

All certificates are sent via regular U.S. Mail unless you choose to upgrade the shipping method during registration or post completion. You have the opportunity to upgrade your shipping on the website during registration or post completion. We offer 2 Business Day for $20, Standard Overnight (End of business day) for $30, and Priority Overnight (morning delivery) for $35. Certificates are processed at 4:00 PM EST on each business day (Monday – Friday, excluding holidays). If you finish before 4:00 PM on a business day, your certificate will be sent out the same day. If you finish on a weekend, holiday, or after 4:00 PM EST on a business day, your certificate will be sent out on the following business day.

What do I do if I never receive my certificate of completion?

If you do not receive a certificate within 7 business days following course completion, or via the upgraded express shipping method selected after completing the course, please call us at 1-800-558-9887 for assistance.

How will I know that I received credit for taking the course?

You can request a copy of your driving record from the NY DMV to verify that you have received credit for the course. See question below for help with ordering a copy of your driving record.

How can I get a copy of my New York driving record?

This can be requested from the NY DMV by completing an MV-15 (“Request for Driver and / or Vehicle Record Information”) form. It can be printed online via the link provided or obtained at any New York State motor vehicle office. If your course completion has not been noted on your driving record more than ten weeks after you completed the course, please contact us at 1-800-558-9887.

Technical Issues

I am getting a “Page Cannot Be Displayed” message.

This can occur if your Internet connection is lost. Please make sure that you have not lost service with your provider by trying to visit another webpage and making sure that is successful. The other possible cause is that your browser is blocking cookies, which allow our site to save your progress. It is important that you verify that your browser settings are not set to block third party cookies. The specific steps to enable cookies vary depending on the browser type and version you are using to take the course. Please consult the help section on your browser for specific instructions.

I am sent back to the login page when I try and go to the next page.

This can occur for one of two reasons. The first and most likely reason is that the course logged you out due to inactivity. If you leave the course idle for more than 1 hour, you will be forced to log back in and pick up on the page you left off on. The other possible cause is that your browser is blocking cookies, which allow our site to save your progress. It is important that you verify that your browser settings are not set to block third party cookies. The specific steps to enable cookies vary depending on the browser type and version you are using to take the course. Please consult the help section on your browser for specific instructions.ns.

What can I do if I don’t finish the course within the 30-day limit?

If you do not complete the course within 30 days, you have the option to re-register for the course at no additional charge, but you will be required to start the course over from the beginning. You may re-register to obtain a new login code, and contact us so we can transfer the payment to the new account.

I was disqualified from the course due to identity validation. What are my options?

If you are disqualified from the course, you can re-register at no additional charge, but you will be required to start the course over from the beginning. You may re-register to obtain a new login code, and contact us so we can transfer the payment to the new account.

Can I take driving lessons with you ?

Yes we provide driving lessons by appointment. 7 days in a week, from 8am- 6pm. Teen or adult driver, local or highway lessons. Lessons available for those who have valid international driver license. For details click here .

What is The Best Road Test Location in Queens NY

What is The Best Road Test Location in Queens NY


Which one is the best location in Queens to take the DMV road test? The roads are not narrow and there are not many cars or pedestrians. Will the dmv road test take place on the actual road or will there be any field or office building?

DMV officers take the road test on the actual road. No restricted area or office building there. There are several road test locations in Queens,NY. You can choose any location that is convenient for you.

If you practice 20-25 hour before the road test then you should pass the road test in any location.



Astoria Heights road test location in Queens:


Location — On 19th Ave between 47th Street and 49th Street. Astoria, NY 11105
Directions — 
Line up facing Hazen Street.

Best road test location in Queens,NY

Best Road Test Location in Queens, NY : Easy to Pass

Kissena park test site


Location — Kissena Park at 164th Street between Underhill Avenue and Booth Memorial Avenue. Cars should line up facing Underhill Avenue. Kissena Park, NY 11365

Directions — Take College Point Blvd. to Booth Memorial Avenue. Make a left turn onto Booth Memorial Avenue. Take Booth Memorial to 164th Street. Make a left turn onto 164th Street. The road test line is on the right side of 164th Street facing Underhill Avenue.

Jamaica test site in queens



Location — 154th Street and 14th Road Whitestone, NY 11357
Directions — Take the Cross Island Parkway South to exit 35. Make a left turn at the traffic light. At the end of the road make a right. At the intersection make a left turn. The line forms along the side of the shopping center parking lot.


Location — Francis Lewis Blvd. and 222nd Street Laurelton, NY 11413
Directions — Cross Island Parkway to Linden Blvd. exit. Make a right turn on Linden to Francis Lewis Blvd. Make a left, stay on Francis Lewis for approximately 5 blocks. Park is on the right, park facing 222nd Street.



What documents do i need on the road test day?

You must have –

  • 5 hour certificate original copy ( picture,photocopy not acceptable)
  • NY state learner permit card Or temporary receipt with NY state photo ID only acceptable.
  • Eye glass or contact Lens must (If you have R-B on your permit, check your permit)
  • If you are under age of 18 then bring the form MV-262  signed by parents or guardian.
  • Valid car and valid license holder driver must have with you.



Location — On Stanhope St. facing Woodward Ave. Queens, NY 11385

Directions — Line up facing Woodward Ave



Location — On 50th Street – Between 55th Avenue & 56th Road – Face south toward 56th Road Maspeth, NY 11378
Directions — Long Island Expressway West, exit at Maurice Avenue and continue straight. End of road make a left. At light, make a right. Go 1 block and make a left. Line forms on right side before intersection.

Helpful Tips

Here is some useful tips to pass the road test. Watch the video carefully. It will be helpful. but watching video only not enough. you should practice  with any driving school instructors. There is no short cut way, only by practicing you can get better steering control, improve observations, engine control etc.

Car for road test

Yes, we provide a car and a driver for road tests in New york. If you need one send us the inquiry form we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Inquiry Form

Ozone park road test site in Queens:

Location — On 84th St between 108th Ave and 106th Ave Ozone Park, NY 11417

Directions — Line up facing 108th Ave.

best road test location in queens

Fresh meadows road test site in Queens:

fresh meadows road test site in queens

Why do I have to go to the test site 30 minutes before the appointment?

Be to the test site at least 30 minutes before your appointment. You may have to wait 1 hour or more to get your test done. If there is a line, You have to go behind the line. If the line is moving, you also move your car. Officers will come to you one-by-one .


Cunningham Park location in Queens